Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Resolutions 2012

I figured it might be helpful to actually write my New Year's resolutions in a place that is readily accessible, so here it goes:

  1. Lose 10% of body weight (current weight 196.2 lbs, target weight 176.58 lbs)

    Supposedly you can get quite a host of health benefits by losing just 5% of your body weight, but I figure that losing 10% is still pretty reasonable when paced out over the course of a year and will make a huge difference in how I look and feel.

  2. Finish at least three songs.

    My music stuff has been going slower than I had hoped, but I absolutely have not given up. I think getting three songs in final form by the end of the year is a doable goal, especially now that I have all this nice, new equipment. There's one song in particular at the top of my todo list ;-)

  3. Improve my German.

    It's really a struggle to keep my German fresh now that I'm out of college. I have been trying my best by listening to lots of German-language music and reading the German World magazines that Brenna's folks got for me last Christmas, but I feel I should step it up a bit and try using Live Mocha tutors. I have my first session scheduled for this Sunday at noon. So excited!

  4. See a therapist.

    I've been thinking about this one for quite a while and I think it's time I saw one. I don't really feel like talking about why here. It's not really anything dire or bad, but I just think it would be helpful.

  5. Run in a 5k

    I've done the Couch to 5k running plan more times than I'd like to admit. I will be restarting it very soon and I think actually running in a 5k race/fun run/whatever would help me to stay motivated and possibly encourage me take on longer distances. I enjoy running when I'm in shape, but it's kind of a hard thing to get back into when you've been away for a long time.

  6. Build a 3 month "cushion" fund and start an IRA

    I've been reading an interesting book called "Get A Financial Life" that is all about how to lay a solid foundation for your financial future when you're in your 20s. Pretty much the first thing they tell you to do is to save up three months of living expenses in an emergency fund and contribute to either a 401(k) or IRA. Since my work does not have a 401(k) (at least not yet), I want to start an IRA.

  7. Start an account at Pima Federal Credit Union

    I've been meaning to do this for ages. It's located on the way to/from work and has good marks. I like credit unions in general (been a happy Desert Schools customer for years), but I really want to have an actual branch near where I live.

  8. Research testing methods for web apps.

    I really want to learn all about Selenium and PHPUnit. I think it would help a lot at work.

  9. Write something cool/fun in Ruby/Rails and host it on AWS.

    I was reading "Pragmatic Ruby" some time ago and then work got busy and I never really finished. I'd love to actually do some real coding in Ruby/Rails to get a better feel for the language. Additionally, I want to host it on Amazon Web Services to learn more about cloud-based hosting.

Bonus: Get Scuba Certified

I've always wanted to go scuba diving, but never took the time to learn how to do it. I absolutely loved snorkeling when I was in Hawaii, so I figured why not take things up (or down as it were) a notch?

Well, that's all I can think of for now. I think I will try to make blog entries for each one I finish.